Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Republicans Propose National School Voucher Program

Will someone please let me know if a SINGLE Democratic politician in the entire country comes out and publicly supports this.  I could imagine (if I REALLY try hard and put on my most optimistic hat) that one could say something like: "It is WRONG to force parents to send their kids to a school that everyone knows is an utter failure, so for ONLY these children, let's try an experiment with this program and see what happens and make sure it's done right.  Here are my ideas for how to do so..."  Just as Clinton was bold, courageous and wise enough to sieze free trade and welfare reform from the Republicans, so too could the Democrats do so on this issue.  Of course, given the current disarray in my party, I'm not holding my breath, sadly enough...
Republicans Propose National School Voucher Program
Published: July 19, 2006

WASHINGTON, July 18 — With Education Secretary Margaret Spellings joining them in a show of support, Congressional Republicans proposed Tuesday to spend $100 million on vouchers for low-income students in chronically failing public schools around the country to attend private and religious schools.

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