Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cooney Center Prizes for Innovation in Children’s Learning



Dear Colleagues,

There is only one month left to spread the word and apply for the Cooney Center Prizes for Innovation in Children's Learning, a national competition intended to generate digital educational innovations for children ages 3-11.  Apply now for the chance to win up to $50,000, as well as ongoing business planning support from The Joan Ganz Cooney Center and Sesame Workshop.


About the Cooney Center Prizes

The Cooney Center is challenging innovators in two categories: Breakthroughs in Mobile Learning and Breakthroughs in Literacy Learning. Up to five finalists in each category will be invited to pitch their ideas to media industry and education leaders at an event held at this year's E3 Expo. This year's prizes include $50,000 towards prototype development in the Mobile Learning category and $10,000 and the opportunity to work with Sesame Workshop to turn a literacy idea into a product for national dissemination via Sesame Workshop's revival of the iconic literacy show, The Electric Company.

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