I currently have made three bets totaling $10,510 that Hillary will win the election, and am willing to take $50,000 of action (i.e., another $39,490).
The bet is simple – no odds, just straight up: if Hillary wins, you make a donation to my favorite charity (KIPP charter schools), and if Trump wins, I make a donation to your favorite charity.
Just email me and name the amount you'd like to wager.
Full disclosure: pretty much every poll and betting site has Hillary at least a 2:1 favorite, so I think I'm making a bet in which the odds are good that you will be making a donation to my favorite charity, not the other way around. So why might you accept this unfair bet I'm offering? I can think of four possible reasons:
A) Why not? It's for charity!
B) You think the polls and betting sites are wrong, and that the odds are actually in your favor.
C) You support Hillary and/or hate Trump and would be devastated if he wins, so this bet hedges that outcome: amidst your misery on Wednesday, you can at least be happy that your favorite charity will get a nice donation.
D) You support Trump and would be thrilled if he wins, so this bet would be icing on the cake: dancing on my grave would feel so good!