Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fresh Air or Hot Air?

This article in The New Republic raises other questions:

Weingarten's speech marks something of a policy shift for unions--and it comes at a critical time in education reform. Applications for Race to the Top (RTTT) are due on January 19, and the heftiest requirement for shares of the $4.35-billion pie is improving teacher quality. Many local teachers' unions have made news by bucking their states' applications, and Weingarten's speech--"to the nation," as the AFT website hyped it--does its part to stomp out the bad press and show that her union wants to work closely, and harmoniously, with state departments of education.

But, even with all of its positive, progressive aspects, the speech still begs several important questions:


Fresh Air or Hot Air?

A new vision for education reform--and nagging questions about whether it can work.

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