Saturday, July 01, 2006

TFA corps members' views

Some wise comments from a friend about how Teach for America corps members' views towards charter schools will change in a hurry:
I wouldn’t worry too much about the attitudes of the corps members toward charters. I was one of the charter haters (I even wrote a vitriolic missive against school choice that my mom circulated to about a thousand people) until I found out what a disaster the public schools and the unions were – it took me about a year to make a full conversion. Growing up in [a state] where [the governor] froze my dad’s (and every other teacher’s) salary 10 years ago had made me fervently pro-union, and I know a lot of TFAers are coming from a similar political perspective. Then we wise up when we litearally see child molesters and other types of horrendous teachers hurt kids and get protected by the union.

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