Seeing vouchers for what they are
And those charter schools? They were supposed to be the magic solution, allowing private operation of tax-funded schools.
Results have been lackluster across the state. A few, like the KIPP schools, have been great. Most have been so-so. And far too many have been "academically unacceptable" – 13 percent of them last year, compared to just 4 percent of traditional public schools.
05:27 AM CDT on Wednesday, October 4, 2006
To be honest, I'm not all that enthused about writing this column. Seems we've trod this ground before.
But when the opposition is so relentless and the stakes are so high, it's foolish to let tedium distract.
So let's take a moment to counter the $400,000 advertising campaign now aimed at you – the one touting "school choice." And, of course, that's code for "private school vouchers."
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