Monday, June 25, 2007

Rhee-Inventing D.C. Schools

On the same topic is DFER board member Andy Rotherham on his must-read Eduwonk blog:
Rhee has a huge challenge ahead. The people who tried and failed before her were not bereft of talent. There are two key differences though: She has a mayor who supports her and can support her through the new governance arrangement and she understands the system, wants it to work for kids, but is not of it, she's a reformer. D.C. has had folks who are one, or the other, rarely both and never, obviously, in this governing arrangment. And it's impossible to look at the state of affairs in the D.C. Public Schools and not conclude that substantial reform is what it needs. The status quo literally kills kids. Rhee's work to date has been about changing that and while the D.C. Council should exercise it's responsibility to confirm the mayor's choice, let's hope they keep the politics to a minimum and get Michelle into this job as soon as possible.


Rhee-Inventing D.C. Schools

WaPo breaks the news that New Teacher Project head Michelle Rhee is Washington Mayor Fenty's choice to lead the D.C. Public pretty soon that will be Chancellor Rhee to you. WaPo ed board pretty on board with the pick, too. Couple of thoughts in no particular order, and I should point out that I’ve known and worked with Rhee for a while:

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