Friday, July 06, 2007

Connecting the Green Dots

I'm sending out this absurd blog post, a real hatchet job opposing Randi's deal to bring Green Dot to NYC, for two reasons: A) It's critical for reformers to understand the thinking, strategies and tactics of members of the entrenched status quo -- how they lie, distort, make personal attacks, draw false connections and arrive at erroneous conclusions, all to defend their power, perks and privileges, children be damned; and B) when Randi gets attacked like this, it certainly makes me appreciate the incredibly delicate line she has to walk.  As bad as she may appear to many on this email list, believe it or not, I think she's actually one of the best teacher union leaders in the country interms of understanding how bad things are, how her own union's contract bears significant responsibility for this sorry state of affairs, and being willing, on occasion, to experiment with reform -- which exposes her to all sorts of attacks from the militant, longshoreman's-union types within her ranks.

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Connecting the Green Dots <>
(Links to full articles posted on the Norm's Notes blog)

Why Weingarten's deal with Green Dot dovetails with the general attack on public education

Following up on her Screw ball toss at the Brooklyn Cyclones game <> , Randi Weingarten has taken the screwing metaphor to a new level in today's announced deal with Green Dot charters. It is not just teachers the deal screws, but with all other the news today about Charter schools, her actions aid and abet the screwing of public education.

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