Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Miller Shoots for September

An update on NCLB from the National Alliance for Public Charters Schools' web site:

Miller Shoots for September

30 Jul 2007

Leading House Dem previews NCLB strategy...

In a National Press Club speech <http://www.house.gov/apps/list/speech/edlabor_dem/RelJul30NCLBSpeech.html>   this morning, House Ed and Labor Chair George Miller laid down markers for  NCLB reauthorization, saying he intends to get a bill out of committee and  approved on the floor in September.

The "c" word wasn't mentioned this  morning but there was a lot to like for charter folks: use of growth models in  Adequate Yearly Progress; repeated emphasis on replicating and scaling  effective schools (which is a key component of the Alliance's proposed <http://www.publiccharters.org/UserFiles/File/NCLB%20Statement.pdf>   reforms; and -- stop the presses – "performance pay" for teachers, using some  kind of student achievement measures in the mix.

Clearly the bill is  not quite soup at this point. We've heard that committee negotiations have hit  some rocks over whether to use "multiple measures" for AYP (the  tough-accountability folks retreating not an inch from reading 'n math, the  flexibility flock wanting feelgood stuff). The tension was evident in Miller's  talk. He wants "additional valid and reliable measures to assess student  learning and school performance more fairly, comprehensively, and accurately"  but also made clear that reading and math will have pride of place. (Or, as he  put it: if a kid can't read and do math but you claim he's nevertheless great  in astrophysics, you'd better check your astrophysics standards. Nice line.)  


UPDATE: Ranking Member McKeon's Statement <http://republicans.edlabor.house.gov/PRArticle.aspx?NewsID=222>

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