Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Pay for performance: ready for its closeup

This article shows how pay for performance is on the rise, which is a great thing:

When Barack Obama backed performance pay in a speech to the  nation's largest teachers union last week - and didn't get drowned out by boos  - it was the latest indicator of a slow and steady but seismic shift in  American school reform.

Just a few years ago, a politician's mere mention of  performance pay was enough to make the union paint a target on his back. Now -  with more than 70 districts working to reward teachers based in part on the  quality of the job they do, and a new federal fund spurring experiments all  across the country, including $10.5 million in 10 New York City charter  schools - it's a new day.

Don't misunderstand. The arcane, one-size-fits-all salary  schedule, which gives teachers with the same experience and degrees the same  paycheck regardless of their effectiveness, is still dominant. But the cracks  in the foundation are starting to grow.

That means it's time for New York City and urban systems to  give another hard look at what has, for years, been considered a divisive and  disruptive reform strategy.

Pay for performance: ready for its closeup


NY Daily News, Monday, July 9th 2007, 4:00 AM


When Barack Obama backed performance pay in a speech to the nation's largest teachers union last week - and didn't get drowned out by boos - it was the latest indicator of a slow and steady but seismic shift in American school reform.

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