Monday, July 02, 2007

Vouchers and "Education Myths"

No surprise to see this press release from the National School Boards Association -- typical self-serving nonsense...  In fact, according to Jay Greene's book, Education Myths, every multi-year study ever done shows much higher gains by children receiving vouchers -- for more on this, see slide #8 on vouchers that I've posted at:

This is the latest in a line of previous studies that have found no significant academic advantages for students as a result of private school vouchers. Previous studies of the Cleveland and Milwaukee voucher programs, also funded by taxpayers, reached similar conclusions. Despite the ability of private schools in the Washington, D.C. program to maintain their admissions standards, this study indicates that students have not benefited academically from vouchers beyond their peers in public schools.

When evaluated, voucher programs nationwide have proven ineffective in helping to raise student achievement compared to public schools. Congress and lawmakers at the state level would be wise to invest the scarce resources available for education in the nation’s public schools that serve 48 million students, are publicly accountable and available to all children.

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