Friday, August 31, 2007

Census data

Some interesting data in the latest census.  Amazing that women are 56% of undergrads and 59% of graduate students.

Is college worth it? The Census  Bureau <>  says workers 18 and older with an advanced degree earned $79,946 on  average in 2005, compared with $54,689 for those with bachelor’s degrees,  $29,448 for those with only a high school diploma, and $19,915 for those  workers without one.


August 29, 2007
As a Nation Heads Back to School, a Look at the Numbers

That tormenting “school bells ring” jingle for Robert Hall clothing stores is no longer around to remind children that their summer vacation is about to end. But nonetheless, school is beginning or already under way for fully one in four American youngsters and adults enrolled in the nation’s more than 95,000 public elementary and secondary schools, 3,200 charter schools and nearly 4,300 degree-granting colleges, as well as for the 1.1 million who are home-schooled.

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