Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Australian comedy

The Miss Teen South Carolina brouhaha led an Australian comedy show to come to the U.S. and ask people on the street really tough questions like: "What religion is practiced in Israel?" (answers included Israelite, Islam and Catholic), "How many sides does a triangle have?" (0, 2 and 4), "Star Wars was based on a real story, true or false?", "How many world wars have their been?" (3), "What religion is a Buddhist monk?" and "Name a country that starts with U" (Yugoslavia, Utopia and Utah).  After watching this (and Jay Leno's equally hilarious running series called "Jay Walking"), it's even more clear than ever that our education system is failing more than just low-income minority kids...  Watch it and laugh (and weep):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp6_oFSh_ss <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp6_oFSh_ss>

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