Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Christo Rey schools results

Regarding the emails I sent out a week or so ago about the Cristo Rey schools, one friend has a different view.  I'd welcome others' views:

Their results are mediocre at best.   See their scores at:
Their ACT scores are essentially the same  (around 17 on average) as their neighborhood schools despite the fact that they get 50% of their students from Catholic middle schools.  They also  lose half of their students over the 4 years and still claim to get 100%  college matriculation.

So they basically aren’t adding any value at all except maybe focusing what’s left of their senior class on college a bit better than the neighborhood schools do.  But then  again, if half of their entering kids are from Catholic schools, they may have been headed to college already.
What a  sham.

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