Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sharpton: I'd welcome a Bloomy run centered on education

Speaking of black leaders speaking the very blunt truth, check out this Daily News Op Ed by Al Sharpton -- yes, Al Sharpton!

All across the country, African-American kids drop out or flunk out of high school in alarming numbers. How can those children pursue the American Dream? How many successful people do you know in your line of work or your neighborhood who do not have a high school diploma?

Education as a civil right needs strong articulation by a leader willing to say it like it is. In results from a recent international test, U.S. students lagged behind those in 16 of 30 industrialized countries in science - and were further behind in math. Science scores for African-American students are below the national average of all 30 nations. Our national future requires bold action here.

Whether you are black or white, Republican or Democrat, it is undisputed that those with the most education have the best chance of realizing their dreams, and that race becomes less of a factor for those most educated.

While I am not endorsing Mayor Bloomberg for President, I am endorsing the idea that a Bloomberg candidacy centered on education as a civil right would be good for America.

Sharpton: I'd welcome a Bloomy run centered on education

Friday, January 4th 2008, 4:00 AM

Be Our Guest

There was a time when Presidents and presidential candidates took bold and principled steps on critical issues of the day. Candidate John Kennedy helped free the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. from jail on a ludicrous charge during the 1960 campaign. President Dwight Eisenhower used federal troops to protect the right of the Little Rock Nine to attend an integrated school. Some wonder if we may ever see such leadership again, particularly on issues we care about.

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