Saturday, January 03, 2009

One of our own is about to became a U.S. Senator!

STOP THE PRESSES -- this is HUGE!  One of our own is about to became a U.S. Senator!  Michael Bennet, the Superintendent of Denver Public Schools and a genuine reformer, has been tapped by the governor of Colorado to replace Ken Salazar, who Obama has nominated to be Secretary of the Interior.  This is TOTALLY unexpected and is AMAZING news for reformers.  Bennet, like Arne Duncan, has been low key so he hasn't gotten as much press (or as much coverage on my blog) as he deserves, but he's done great things to improve Denver's schools, including getting passed one of the nation's first pay-for-performance plan for teachers.  The results are telling: "Last July, for example, Denver posted the biggest increases in math and reading proficiency among the state’s largest districts."  Note that he also supported the Educational Equality Project:
This also further cements Colorado as a hotbed of up-and-coming education reformers, including:

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