Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Better school in Palo Alto

Speaking of LDH and my writings about her charter school in Palo Alto, a friend wrote this about a FAR better school in the area:


I really enjoy reading your column and especially interested in the fate of "Stanford New School."  There is another charter high school in East Palo Alto (EPA) that is doing great work (I'm biased as my husband teaches there with many TFA folks) called East Palo Alto Phoenix Academy (EPAPA), operated by Aspire.  They are in their 4th year of existence with the first graduating class this year – 100% of seniors accepted into 4 year colleges!   Its sister K-8 school (also Aspire) is East Palo Alto Charter School (EPACS) which has been in existence since 1997.  EPAPA has just been approved for a new campus (the first public high school in EPA city limits since the 1970's when the public high school was shut down – article link below).  If you'd like to learn more about the GREAT things happening in EPA, see: www.epapa.org, www.epacs.org, and http://www.mercurynews.com/search/ci_14330245?IADID=Search-www.mercurynews.com-www.mercurynews.com

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