Friday, May 07, 2010

Sense of Betrayal at Union Charter School

This WSJ article captures the absurd and untenable position the AFT/UFT has put itself in in New York, both trying to kill/cripple charters, yet also represent its members at the handful of charter schools that are unionized and try to woo teachers at non-union charters:

As the brawl over a plan to more than double the number of New York charter schools heats up, the United Federation of Teachers is dealing with growing disillusionment at some of its unionized charter schools.

On Wednesday night, a co-principal of the unionized Renaissance Charter School is expected to present the board of directors with a plan for teacher layoffs and program cuts, and a co-principal and some of the teachers are saying it is the UFT that has made the cuts necessary.

"I feel like it's a betrayal," said Maura Malarcher, one of the high school's teachers and a member of the board. She said she is "a pro-union person," but added that she was disappointed in the UFT because she felt it advocated for the charter funding freeze.

…The fight between Renaissance and the UFT underscores the delicate balance the UFT must strike as it seeks to represent the best interests of its charter-school teacher members while advocating for changes that some charter advocates say would kill the growth of the schools.


Sense of Betrayal at Union Charter School

Some Teachers, Principals Claim UFT Pushed a Funding Freeze in Albany; the Union Declares That Cuts Are Equal


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