Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Great news from Chris Barbic, the founder of the YES Prep network of schools in Houston:


I thought this information might be interesting to the folks on your list -- another "proof point" for what is possible.  Our Southeast campus is the first campus we opened and this is the 10th graduating class.  Our college persistence rate at this campus (students either still enrolled in college or have already graduated) is 82%.  Our North Central campus, is the second school we opened back in 2003.  This is their first graduating class:


 YES Prep Public Schools - Southeast Campus

Class of 2010 Admissions Decisions - Admitted Colleges

(as of Thursday, April 29, 2010)


- 671 applications submitted by 83 seniors (average of 8 applications per student)

- Applications submitted to 150 colleges/universities nationwide

- Class of 2010 members admitted to 113 colleges and universities

- Class of 2010 applied and were admitted to 12 new colleges/universities

- 80% overall acceptance rate (471 acceptances, 116 denials, 34 waitlists/deferred, 46 unknown decisions)

- 99% of the seniors have been accepted to at least 2 colleges/universities.

- To date, financial aid awards, in the form of scholarships and grants from colleges, universities

and outside organizations total over $3.7 million.

- Over 90% of the Class of 2009 are first-generation, college-bound students.




 YES Prep Public Schools - North Central Campus

Class of 2010 Admissions Decisions - Admitted Colleges

(as of Thursday, April 29, 2010)


- 413 applications submitted by 43 seniors (average of 10 applications per student)

- Applications submitted to 109 colleges/universities nationwide

- Class of 2010 members admitted to 80 colleges and universities

- Class of 2010 applied and were admitted to 14 new colleges/universities

- 77% overall acceptance rate (267 acceptances, 78 denials, 22 waitlists/deferred, 46 unknown*)

- Over 93% of the seniors have been accepted to at least 3 colleges/universities.

- To date, financial aid awards, in the form of scholarships and grants from colleges, universities and

outside organizations total over $2.5 million dollars.

- Over 88% of the Class of 2009 are first-generation, college-bound students.

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