Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Onorato supports school vouchers for low-income families

STOP THE PRESSES x 3!  The Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Pennsylvania, Dan Ororato, just endorsed school choice!  You don't see this very often – but Democrats being willing to break with the unions is becoming more and more common.  It's particularly interesting to see that the union is still going to endorse him – because they don't have much choice: Onorato will be better for them than the Republican.  Why don't more Democrats see this???  This is also a great example of how putting major support behind a Democrat who's strong on choice, even if that person loses the primary, can put pressure on the winner and lead to change.  Here's what I posted about PA State Senator Tony Williams, a strong choice supporter who lost to Onorato:


Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dan Onorato on Wednesday adopted a controversial plank of a rival's platform, openly supporting a form of school vouchers for the first time.

Onorato, in a news conference at City Hall, embraced "grants that would give low-income families in academically distressed communities direct choices about which schools their children should attend."

His stance earned him the public support of State Sen. Anthony Hardy Williams (D., Phila.), who pushed for school choice as a candidate in the May Democratic primary. Williams can offer political and, perhaps, powerful financial support for his former opponent.

…It appears that Onorato will not lose the backing of teachers, who support his broader education platform.

…Ted Kirsch, president of the American Federation of Teachers-Pennsylvania, said he would be part of an AFL-CIO meeting in Hershey Thursday at which Onorato would be endorsed.

"Although we may disagree with him on this issue, it's not going to be enough to not support him as a gubernatorial candidate," Kirsch said.

And Onorato now probably stands a better chance of attracting the financial support of the three Bala Cynwyd businessmen who donated nearly $5.4 million to Williams in the primary through the Students First Political Action Committee and turned the heads of politicians across the country.

Onorato denied getting support from them was his motivation. "I have absolutely no idea what they're going to do, and that's their business," he said.


Onorato supports school vouchers for low-income families

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