Tuesday, August 31, 2010

RTTT data

DFER's Charles Barone shows that, based on an Ed Trust study released in January, mostly the right states won RTTT:


"Achievement Gap Analysis Shows Some States May Be Better Positioned for Higher Scores on Race to the Top Applications"




Of those with best overall "gap-closing" track record (what the Ed Trust called "frontrunners"):


3 of 4 won - Delaware, Florida, Massachusetts (the other, TX, did not apply). 


Of the worst, 4 of 5 lost. Arizona, California, Michigan, Mississippi(RI, the 1 winner, really changed their game for the competition, including adopting a more targeted funding formula).


Of what ET called "simple gap-narrowing" states: 5 of 7 won: DE, FL, GA, NY, DC. 2 did not (WV and LA).


No "gap-flat" or "gap widening" state got a grant (Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont, and Washington).


Of the smallest-gap states, vis a vis other states, 3 of 6 won Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland; 3 did not: New Jersey (app screw up), Texas and Vermont (neither applied).


Of the biggest gap states vis a vis other states, none won: Arizona, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Nevada.


Of the progress for all states, 4 of 8 won: Georgia, Massachusetts, Maryland, District of Columbia; 5 lost: New Jersey, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Texas, Vermont. 


Of the no progress for all or decline states, only 1 was funded, North Carolina (although on most recent urban NAEP, Charlotte was at the top in gains v. other cities). The other 4 were not winners: Michigan, Oregon, South Carolina and West Virginia.

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