Friday, September 10, 2010

Pleasant surprise for, schools

 A great story:

Out of the blue, in the middle of a recession, the phone rang.

What would it cost, the caller asked the founder of, to fund every California teacher's wish list posted on the Web site?

The founder, Charles Best, thought perhaps the female caller would hang up when he tossed out his best guess: "Something over $1 million," he told her.

Twelve hours later, the woman, Hilda Yao, executive director of the Claire Giannini Fund, sent Best an e-mail.

It said, in short, OK.

A day later, Yao mailed a check of more than $1.3 million to cover the entire California wish list, 2,233 projects in all, with an extra $100,000 tossed in to help pay for other teacher needs across the country.

The projects funded by the donation range from about $100 to cover pencil sharpeners or paper to thousands of dollars for technology, Best said.

"Use of the word 'miracle' is not an overstatement," Best said Tuesday, a day after 1,000 California teachers were notified that their needs were funded. "I think it's fair to say it's the best first day of school they've ever had."


Pleasant surprise for, schools


September 01, 2010|By Jill Tucker, SF Chronicle 

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