Thursday, July 21, 2011

Union Chief Faults School Reform From ‘On High’

Randi went after reformers this week, spreading the absurd lie that we're anti-teacher.  In reality, of course, NOTHING could be further from the truth: we celebrate teachers!  But not all teachers: we recognize that teachers aren't widgets (see The Widget Effect, and that some are great, most are good, but some are terrible and need to find other lines of work.  It's Randi and her union boss buddies who demean teachers by protecting terrible teachers and treating all teachers as widgets and longshoremen:

Amid one of the most contentious periods in recent memory for teachers' unions, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, on Monday called for education reform that emanates from teachers and their communities, rather than from "those who blame teachers for everything."

 "Let's refuse to be defined by people who are happy to lecture us about the state of public education — but wouldn't last 10 minutes in a classroom," Ms. Weingarten told a crowd of about 2,000 here in kicking off the national conference held every two years by the union, which has 1.5 million members.


Union Chief Faults School Reform From 'On High'

Published: July 11, 2011

WASHINGTON — Amid one of the most contentious periods in recent memory for teachers' unions, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, on Monday called for education reform that emanates from teachers and their communities, rather than from "those who blame teachers for everything."

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