Monday, August 08, 2011

Teachers union tries and tries again to misuse courts to stop vital school reforms

The unions and their lackeys in NY are back in court with another spurious suit:

The lesson should be taken to heart by the plaintiffs in yet another lawsuit filed this week. This one challenges the right of districts to award space to charter schools - which are publicly funded but privately run - at little to no cost.

Since charters get no state facilities funding, many would have a hell of a time opening their doors, especially in a city as pricey as New York.

So to encourage these innovative schools to flourish, the city for years has offered charters - which, we repeat, are public schools - underutilized space in existing school buildings.

Nobody could credibly question the practice. Until charter foes went, you guessed it, to court.

They insist that state education law - which says, in part, that districts that contract with charters "shall provide such services or facilities at cost" - demands something akin to rent.

The truth is, never since the passage of the law or its two revisions has anyone in Albany ever hinted that public charters should pay for their students to sit in available public space.

It makes no sense. It's just another bogus argument devised to stymie a threatening movement - and deny alternatives to parents who are hungry for better schools.

Throw it out of court.


Teachers union tries and tries again to misuse courts to stop vital school reforms

Saturday, July 30th 2011, 4:00 AM

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