Deborah Kenny, Others on Rating Teachers
friend Deborah Kenny, founder of the Harlem Village Academies network
of charter schools, wrote a provocative op ed in the NYT a week ago
Want to Ruin Teaching? Give Ratings. She writes:
There has been much discussion of the
question of how to evaluate teachers; it was one of the biggest sticking
points in the recent teachers’ strike in Chicago. For more than a
decade I’ve been a strong proponent of teacher accountability.
I’ve advocated for ending tenure and other rules that get in the way of
holding educators responsible for the achievement of their students.
Indeed, the teachers in my schools —
Harlem Village Academies
— all work with employment-at-will contracts because we believe
accountability is an underlying prerequisite to running an effective
school. The problem is that, unlike charters,
most schools are prohibited by law from holding teachers accountable at
But the solution being considered by many
states — having the government evaluate individual teachers — is a
terrible idea that undermines principals and is demeaning to teachers.
If our schools had been required to use a state-run
teacher evaluation system, the teacher we let go would have been rated
at the top of the scale.
Education and political leaders across the
country are currently trying to decide how to evaluate teachers. Some
states are pushing for legislation to sort teachers into categories
using unreliable mathematical calculations based
on student test scores. Others have hired external evaluators who pop
into classrooms with checklists to monitor and rate teachers. In all
these scenarios, principals have only partial authority, with their
judgments factored into a formula.
type of system shows a profound lack of understanding of leadership.
Principals need to create a culture of trust, teamwork and candid
that is essential to running an excellent school. Leadership is about
hiring great people and empowering them, and requires a delicate balance
of evaluation and encouragement.
Before I comment, I want to share these three letters to the editor:
1) To the Editor:
Re “Want to Ruin Teaching? Give Ratings” (Op-Ed, Oct. 15):
I couldn’t agree more with Deborah Kenny
that evaluating teachers with high-stakes tests is a dreadful idea.
However, her use of hearsay and anecdote to fire the teacher whose
students “performed exceptionally well on the state exam”
but whose attitude was viewed as negative demonstrates why the answer
to teacher accountability does not lie at the opposite extreme of
employment-at-will contracts that undermine due process. Who holds
principals accountable?
Ms. Kenny’s anti-union approach sidesteps
the hard work of documenting teachers over time and helping them
improve, even if that improvement may involve an attitude adjustment.
Districts that use peer-assisted review use master teachers
to evaluate peers, and the results are taken before a panel that
includes union leaders and district supervisors. This approach allows
for rigorous and authentic evaluation, honors due process and gets rid
of teachers who do not improve.
New York, Oct. 15, 2012
New York, Oct. 15, 2012
The writer is a professor at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development, New York University.
2) To the Editor:
Deborah Kenny speculates that rating
teachers will ruin teaching. But we have good evidence that not rating
teachers accurately is already doing incredible damage. In 2009, my
showed how
existing evaluation systems label virtually all teachers “good” or
“great,” rendering such ratings meaningless and preventing schools from
recognizing excellence, helping teachers reach their full potential
or addressing poor performance.
The effects on the teaching profession are
devastating. Teachers end up being treated like widgets rather than
professionals, and school districts end up without the information they
need to improve teacher quality, which has a greater
impact on student achievement than any other factor they can control.
Getting teacher evaluation right is tough,
but states like New York are on the right path by insisting on multiple
assessment methods — such as classroom observations and measures of
student learning — that don’t eliminate principal
judgment, but give principals a fuller picture of teacher performance.
Indeed, the teacher whom Ms. Kenny uses as
an example would not fare well under such a system; despite his
students’ success on tests, his rating would be pulled down by low
classroom practice scores from his principal. A better
approach for rating teachers is not enough, by itself. But without
addressing evaluation, we have little hope of improving education
quality or strengthening the teaching profession.
Brooklyn, Oct. 15, 2012
The writer is president of TNTP, a national organization working to ensure effective teaching.
3) To the Editor:
Deborah Kenny discusses how parents,
students, administrators and teachers know who the good and
underperforming teachers are without ratings. That is true. The problem
is that it is almost impossible to remove the poor teachers,
and they know that.
Have ratings or don’t have ratings. That is
not the salient point. It is employment-at-will contracts that will
improve teaching. Let schools decide on the teachers they wish to hire,
retain and dismiss based on the criteria they
think best. Tenure is the real problem.
Washington, Oct. 15, 2012
Washington, Oct. 15, 2012
While anti-testing folks might love Deborah’s opposition to using tests to evaluate teachers, they shouldn’t because what she’s really saying is something completely anathema to them (though completely obvious and correct): principals should have complete power to hire (and fire) every adult in the building (of course with basic job protections. Where I find her column problematic is that I don’t think we’re ever going to achieve this utopia in most regular public schools, so there needs to be a realistic Plan B, a fair and rigorous evaluation system that can be included in legislation/negotiations. As Timothy Daly points out in his letter to the editor, this is FAR superior to the current status quo, whereby “existing evaluation systems label virtually all teachers “good” or “great,” rendering such ratings meaningless and preventing schools from recognizing excellence, helping teachers reach their full potential or addressing poor performance.” It’s important not to let perfection be the enemy of the good (Common Core opponents, take note!). That said, Deborah is right that we need to work hard to improve teacher evaluation systems, which in general are pretty lousy right now from what I can gather. My concern is that defenders of the status quo will twist her words and use them to stop ALL evaluation efforts – for example, this paragraph:
A government-run teacher evaluation
bureaucracy will make it impossible to attract great teachers and will
diminish the motivation of the ones we have. It will make teaching so
scripted and controlled that we won’t be able to attract
smart, passionate people. Everyone says we should treat teachers as
professionals, but then they promote top-down policies that are
insulting to serious educators.
PS—Deborah is also the author of a great book, Born to Rise: A Story of Children and Teachers Reaching Their Highest Potential (
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