Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Larry Sand rebuts the teacher shortage myth

To be sure some districts may be understaffed and other districts may come up short in specific subject areas, but there is no nationwide teacher shortage. Via the National Council on Teacher Quality, Mike Antonucci points out that we are "producing waaaaay more elementary teachers than the system can reasonably absorb." Antonucci also indicates that in the years leading up to the recession, "reports of teacher shortages were constantly in the news. In response, America added 140,000 teachers to the workforce. The recession hit, and 63,000 of those teachers disappeared – either through direct layoffs, or attrition when veteran teachers retired."
Though the exact number of teachers actually laid off in California is not currently clear, the state planned to release 1,000 working teachers in March, an increase from the previous year. Also, Los Angeles just laid off 382 teachers.
Sounds as if there are plenty of available teachers around to fill the "shortage."
And then we have the redoubtable Cato Institute senior fellow of education policy Andrew Coulson, who writes that there is an "Evidence Shortage for Teacher Shortage." He notes that we have been on a hiring binge since 1970. Since that time,
…the number of teachers has grown six times faster than the number of students. Enrollment grew about 8 percent from 1970 to 2010, but the teaching workforce grew 50 percent. There are a LOT more public school teachers per child today, so how can districts and states still claim to be facing 'teacher shortages?'


The National Teacher (Union Member) Shortage

By Larry Sand On September 1, 2015
NEA/AFT and their friends in the media try to make hay of teacher shortage myth.

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