Monday, June 19, 2006

No More Teachers, Lots of Books

This Op Ed in today's NYT is so LUDICROUS!  Our kids are getting their butts kicked by every other developed country (and a bunch of less developed ones) and these jokers are whining about too MUCH homework?!  If I had to guess, I'd say that this is true for maybe 1% of American kids, 19% get the right amount and 80% should get MORE homework!  My instincts are reinforced by the fact that the authors of this op ed present NO EVIDENCE for this alleged problem, other than this:
In fact, most experts believe reading is the most important educational activity. Yet a poll released last week by Scholastic and Yankelovich found that the amount of time youngsters spend reading for fun declines sharply after age 8. The No. 1 reason given by parents: too much homework.
June 19, 2006
Op-Ed Contributor

No More Teachers, Lots of Books

SCHOOL is letting out for the summer, the final bell signaling the precious, unadulterated joy that comes with months of freedom stretching out ahead. But for many students that feeling will never come. Instead, summer these days often means more textbook reading, papers, exams and projects. It's called "vacation homework," an oxymoron that overburdens our children and sends many back to school burnt out and sick of learning...

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