Monday, February 04, 2013

Increased Support to Ease Firing of California Teachers

 I wonder whether yet another case of a pedophile teacher will finally shame the unions into supporting (rather than blocking) legislation that makes it easier to remove pedophile teachers? Nah… Protecting every union member seems it always take precedence over what’s best for kids, no matter how egregious the circumstances.

The arrest of a Los Angeles teacher suspected of molesting 20 children is jump-starting demand for legislation that would make it easier to fire California teachers accused of abusing students and deny them lifetime medical and dental benefits.

Robert Pimentel, who was arrested Wednesday, is entitled to collect a pension and lifetime medical benefits because he resigned last March before officials could fire him, amid allegations that he had improperly touched a student, said Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent John Deasy.

Prosecutors charged Mr. Pimentel with abusing 12 girls between 2002 and 2012, according to a criminal complaint. Mr. Pimentel began teaching at George De La Torre Jr. Elementary School in 2007, but he worked for the district on and off since 1974.

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