Lines Are Drawn in Fight to Add Charter Schools
whether and how to adjust the cap is a fierce debate that cuts across party lines. It makes black and Hispanic Democrats from New York City allies of the Republican governor in favor of expansion, and potentially at odds with a traditional ally, the labor movement. And it pits upstate school districts and legislators, including Republicans, against Gov. George E. Pataki on an issue that often gets conservative support.It also forges an alliance between Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Pataki, even as they remain bitterly divided over Albany's refusal to comply with a court order mandating billions of dollars more for the city schools.
"This is a make-or-break moment for the charter school movement," said Merryl H. Tisch, a regent from New York City.
"To me it's unimaginable that we wouldn't be allowed to create more charter schools," Mr. Klein said in an interview. "It's not like you've got a whole bunch of high-performing schools in the South Bronx or in central Brooklyn. What you've got is a whole bunch of long-term failures in the system, and an opportunity to bring in new blood and new talent."
A battle over expanding the number of charter schools allowed in New York State will enter a decisive stage this week when the Board of Regents is expected to authorize the last four charter schools it can under state law.
New York City already has 47 charter schools. A range of people and groups are opening them, including Eva S. Moskowitz, the former chairwoman of the City Council Education Committee; David Levin, whose South Bronx charter school has been a model for dozens of others nationwide; and the city teachers' union. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has vowed to open about 75 more by the end of his second term....
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