Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Get a job or get out

This NY Daily News editorial is exactly right.  Kudos once again to Klein for refusing to go along with the unacceptable status quo:

But union boss Jill Levy rejects the thought of empowering the city's school chiefs. Why? Because assistant principals make up most of her union, and she insists on preserving the job security even of lemons that no one wants. In fact, she takes great umbrage at Klein's characterization of her desk jockeys in the making.

"If I were one of these 44, I would try to sue the chancellor for defamation of character," Levy said. Fine. Sue away. While Levy stands up for unemployable educrats, Klein stand up for leadership. No need to ask who's doing better by the kids.


Get a job or get out

NY Daily News editorial


Schools Chancellor Joel Klein has decided to spend $5 million to create make-work jobs for 44 assistant principals whose talents, if that's the right word, are unwanted in any of the city's 1,400 schools. This is a huge waste of money - but it is absolutely and shamefully necessary.


Those APs were "excessed" from positions that pay as much as $108,000 a year, but no principal across the vast reaches of the school system has shown an interest in hiring any of them. Not even to fill the two dozen AP slots that are vacant at the moment.


This would seem clear and convincing evidence that the shunned 44 aren't what you might call top-quality candidates for employment, as judged by their peers. Yet the principals union contract bars Klein from letting them go. He has only two choices: force principals to take the 44 and let go of others with less seniority, or keep them on the payroll as expensive paper-pushers.

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