Friday, September 22, 2006

Report Critical of Training of Teachers

Here's a NYT article on the report.  Gotta love this "water-the-weeds" suggestion:
“We should not abandon the schools that produce the highest number of teachers,” Sharon Robinson, president of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, said at the news conference. “Rather, we should focus on them.”
Here's an alternative proposal: SHUT DOWN THE CRAPPY SCHOOLS!
September 19, 2006

Report Critical of Training of Teachers

Most American teachers are trained in university programs with low admission and graduation standards, and with faculty members and courses that are often unimpressive and disconnected from what takes place in elementary and secondary schools, according to a study released yesterday.

Some education departments and schools should be shut down and others need vast improvement, said the report, “Educating School Teachers,” released by the Education Schools Project, a research group.

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