Monday, July 02, 2007

Campaign Against A Teachers' Union In Newark

Here's an article about the battle:

"By protecting bad teachers, the NTU does serious damage to  professionalism in teaching," Berry said.
On the flipside, Berry noted that  Newark's and other teachers unions in the state have effectively stood in the  way of any merit pay system for teachers. Thus, he says, excellence in  teaching is difficult to encourage monetarily.
NTU certainly hasn't reacted  warmly to the campaign's efforts, but their president Joseph DelGrosso says it  has hardly disturbed the union's modus operandi or its satisfaction with its  teachers' performances. DelGrosso notes that he was recently re-elected to his  post comfortably despite (or, he implies, because of) CUF's efforts. He  mentioned their opposition to him in his campaign literature.
"My hat's off  to Mr. Berman," DelGrosso said. "He's a very helpful guy."

Campaign Against A Teachers' Union In Newark
By: Bradley Vasoli, The Bulletin

The Newark (N.J.) chapter of the American Federation of Teachers maintains the "traditional mission of our public schools has been to prepare our nation's young people for equal and responsible citizenship and productive adulthood."

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