Friday, August 24, 2007

Nightingale grads in TFA

The alumni magazine for my daughters' school, Nightingale-Bamford, has a nice profile of three alums who joined Teach for America.  The article talks about my role in helping start TFA and concludes with a rant I'm quite proud of:

When Tilson talks about why good education matters, and the wrong done to so many Americans who don't have access to it, his zeal and his anger sometimes run close together:  "The bedrock ideal of this country is that every kid, no matter who they are, no matter what the color of  their skin, has a fair shot at the American Dream,” he says.  "And the key  to that shot is having an opportunity to go to a decent school.  Right now, the kids who need the best schools most are getting the worst ones.  It's completely un-American."  Tilson sees Teach for America as one of the most effective tools for changing that.

You can read it at: <>

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