Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Neo-Traditional Power Seen At Breakfast of 'Superstars'

A nice article about another great NYC charter school:

Though none are past the third grade, the Girls Prep students already have plans to be dancers, doctors, artists, and teachers. And in Terra Nova tests administered in the fall and spring of the previous school year, 83% of the students scored at or above grade level in reading, and 79% in math...
It seems to be an attractive proposition for both teachers and students.  The school, which pays its teachers 15-20% more than the New York City Department of Education, had 85 applications for each of its  four new teacher positions this year. And it had six applications for each of its 48 new student spots.


Neo-Traditional Power Seen At Breakfast of  ‘Superstars'
By Amanda Gordon

Marking its third year educating girls in New York City, Girls Preparatory Charter School at 333 E. Fourth St. held a Superstars Breakfast on Tuesday. The gathering's "superstars" included about a dozen students wearing uniforms emblazoned with the Girls Prep logo. They were the envy of the grown-up women at the event, among them Elizabeth Rohatyn, Wendy Lehman Lash, Ann Tisch, and Celerie Kemble Curry.

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