Monday, December 14, 2009

NAEP Math Results

The 2009 NAEP Math scores are out and, as usual, everyone is now interpreting the data to suit their agenda – which is easy to do because there are a zillion ways to cut the data: by scale score or % proficient; by 4th grade and 8th grade; by gains from 2007-09 or from 2003 (when Bloomberg and Klein took over) to 2009; and by all students vs. various subsets (free/reduced lunch and white, black, Hispanic).  Then there’s the question of comparisons: NYC vs. rest of state, suburban NYS, other large cities nationwide, and the entire country.


Here are two docs from the DOE: a press release ( and a slide presentation with lots of data.  Reviewing the latter, I can draw four conclusions:


A) Overall, NYC has done EXTREMELY well vs. the rest of the state and the nation as a whole since 2003;


B) NYC’s gains from 2007-09 were more modest than the exceptional gains from 2005-07, but were still better than the rest of the state and nation (which largely flat-lined);


C) State standards need to be raised dramatically (fortunately Merryl Tisch, David Steiner and John King are doing exactly this, with encouragement from Bloomberg and Klein); and


D) There’s still a HUGE amount of work to be done!

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