More Men Marrying Wealthier Women
"We've known for some time that men need marriage more than women from the standpoint of physical and mental well-being," said Stephanie Coontz, a professor at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash., and research director for the Council on Contemporary Families, a research and advocacy group. "Now it is becoming increasingly important to their economic well-being as well."
The education and income gap has grown even more in the latest recession, when men held about three in four of the jobs that were lost. The Census Bureau said Friday that among married couples with children, only the wife worked in 7 percent of the households last year, compared with 5 percent in 2007. The percentage rose to 12 percent from 9 percent for blacks, among whom the education and income gap by gender has typically been even greater.
"I'm not married, I would like to be married, and my friends are all in a similar situation," said Dr. Rajalla Prewitt, a 38-year-old psychiatrist in New Jersey. "We're having difficulty finding someone where there's a meeting of the minds, where we can have the same goals and values."
"Particularly, African-American men who are educated want a traditional home where they are the breadwinner," said Dr. Prewitt, who is a black woman.
In 2007, the Pew report found, median household incomes of married men, married women and unmarried women were all about 60 percent higher than in 1970. But among unmarried men, median household income rose by only 16 percent. These days, men who marry typically gain another breadwinner.
In 1970, 28 percent of wives had husbands who were better educated, and 20 percent were married to men with less education. By 2007, the comparable figures were 19 percent and 28 percent. In 1970, 4 percent of husbands had wives who made more money; in 2007, 22 percent did.
College-educated wives are less likely to have a husband who is college-educated and in the highest income bracket than they were in 1970, and married women are less likely to have a husband who works.
"Among all married couples," the report said, "wives contribute a growing share of the household income, and a rising share of those couples include a wife who earns more than her husband."
While marriage rates have declined over all, women with college degrees are still more likely to marry today than less educated women.
More Men Marrying Wealthier Women
Todd Heisler/The New York Times
Beagy Zielinski, a stylist in New York, says a relationship did not work out because her boyfriend was insecure about her success.
Published: January 18, 2010
Beagy Zielinski is a German-born 28-year-old stylist who moved to New York to study fashion in 1995 and stayed. Just before Christmas, she broke up with her blue-collar boyfriend, who repaired Navy ships.
"He was extremely insecure about my career and how successful I am," Ms. Zielinski said.
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