Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Students at Charter High Schools More to Likely to Graduate College

An important study on the positive effect of charter schools on high school graduation rates:

Late last week, Education Next reported on findings that followed groups of eighth graders in Florida and Chicago as they moved to high school and beyond. The study, conducted by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., Florida State University, Michigan State University and RAND, found that "students who attend a charter high school are seven to 15 percentage points more likely to earn a standard diploma than students who attend a traditional public high school. Similarly, those attending a charter high school are eight to 10 percentage points more likely to attend college." (Kevin Booker, Tim R. Sass, Brian Gill and Ron Zimmer, "The Unknown World of Charter Schools," Education Next, Spring, 2010/ VOL 10, NO2.)

The study's exacting protocols and specifically designed control groups militate against all the unusual critics leery of charter school accomplishments.

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