Friday, May 14, 2010

Charter backers Education Reform Now's ads blast seniority-based layoffs

Now that the rubber rooms are on their way to a well-deserved oblivion, this is THE issue that we can use to beat the stuffing (politically) out of the unions, as EVERY American instantly understands that it's nuts and screws kids to do layoffs solely by seniority.  Education Reform Now certainly understands this and is sending this mailing to 400,000 NYC residents:


Here's an excerpt from the article below about this:

Fresh off a victory in the state Senate, charter school advocates are ramping up their battle against the teachers union with a $1 million ad campaign.

As the city prepares to lay off 4,400 public school teachers, the group Education Reform Now is attacking the policy that requires booting the newest teachers first.

"Thanks to the teachers union, your child's favorite teacher may be looking for a job," reads a mailing going out to nearly 400,000 "parent-age" New Yorkers.


Charter backers Education Reform Now's ads blast seniority-based layoffs

Wednesday, May 12th 2010, 4:00 AM

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