Tuesday, May 11, 2010

DFER - Race to the Top Phase 2

Last but not least, at the end of this email is a summary from DFER of the incredible things happening in 17 states!

Dear Education Reformer:

The Race to the Top Phase 2 application filing deadline is June 1st  - only 33 days away. Many states, some that applied in Phase 1 and some that did not, have begun to step up legislative, regulatory, and planning action in anticipation. States must send an intent to file for Phase 2 to the U.S. Department of Education by May 4th

We have re-launched our Race to the Top deadline countdown clock at www.dfer.org and a series of state-specific Race Smarter briefs at http://www.dfer.org/list/issues/racesmarter/.

Here is the first of a series of weekly updates on state activity. Special thanks to our crack staff, especially Charlie Barone, federal policy director and occasional DFER disc jockey:

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