Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Here’s James Merriman’s rebuttal:

To the Editor:

We strongly disagree with Charles Murray's notion that many charter schools aren't living up to their promise because student success is predetermined by home life and parental involvement ("Why Charter Schools Fail the Test," Op-Ed, May 5). Many charters, especially those in New York City, are proving that with strong leadership, rigorous standards and innovative practices, all children can excel in school.

While the national record on charter schools may be mixed, two highly regarded studies out of Stanford University show that the city's charters are indeed getting better results with low-income black and Latino children. One of those studies, by Caroline M. Hoxby, even showed that after nine years at a New York City public charter school, the achievement gap between city students and their peers in the wealthier suburbs would be nearly eliminated.

The goal of public education is to provide equal opportunity for all children to succeed, and in New York City, charter schools are meeting that mandate.

James Merriman

Chief Executive

New York City Charter School Center

New York, May 5, 2010

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