Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Alexander Russo hits me hard on Harlem Children's Zone

 Mathews responds:

On my colleague Valerie Strauss's Answer Sheet blog you will find a good post from one of my favorite bloggers, Alexander Russo, ripping into me for inadequacies in my analysis of the new Brookings Institution critique of the Harlem Children's Zone and its premier charter school, the Promise Academy.

I plead no contest. Alexander is right that I should have mentioned his deep coverage of, and doubts about, HCZ. I was trying to keep the length of my post under reasonable limits, since I am about to dump a couple of 2,000-word posts on our intrepid universal desk and then dash off on vacation. I wanted to be loved. That always gets you into trouble.


Alexander Russo hits me hard on Harlem Children's Zone 

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