Monday, August 09, 2010

Support Senator Bennet from Richard Barth

Here's one from KIPP CEO Richard Barth – Sen. Bennet is only the second candidate he's ever gotten behind:


As someone who has actually led a large urban school system, Michael is absolutely uniquely suited to advocate for all that we know needs to happen.  Knowing Michael as well as I do, I know he will bring both the passion required to advocate on our behalf, as well as a completely pragmatic approach to getting things done.   At a time when key issues seem to quickly breakdown due to partisanship, Michael is someone who can work with folks from all walks of life.


As all of you know, we are at a critical juncture on the federal front, with I3, CSP and now the upcoming re-authorization of ESEA.  Michael is a sitting US Senator, serving on the Education Committee.   I know that many of us are getting approached my different candidates these days, all worthy of your support.  I am asking you to consider a candidate – and a candidacy – that I believe is truly unique for all of us.  We have an opportunity to elect – and send back to the Senate – an individual who has lived the life of a Superintendent, who understands our reality like on one else in the Congress, and who sits on the committee that matters.


Email from Richard Barth:


Friends -


I am writing to you today to join me in an effort to ensure that Michael Bennet is elected to the US Senate this November.  I have only invested my time and energy in one candidate over the last decade – Alan Khazei – and a good number of you rallied in support of Alan's 90 day effort this past Winter.  So, this is the 2nd campaign I have ever reached out to others for help, and it is a really important one.


About Michael and Why this is Important


Some of you receiving this note know Michael from his past life as the Superintendent of Denver Public Schools, where he led one of the most promising school reform efforts in the country.  Michael was leading the district when he was tapped to take the US Senate seat formerly held by Ken Salazar, who is now our Interior Secretary.


As someone who has actually led a large urban school system, Michael is absolutely uniquely suited to advocate for all that we know needs to happen.  Knowing Michael as well as I do, I know he will bring both the passion required to advocate on our behalf, as well as a completely pragmatic approach to getting things done.   At a time when key issues seem to quickly breakdown due to partisanship, Michael is someone who can work with folks from all walks of life.


As all of you know, we are at a critical juncture on the federal front, with I3, CSP and now the upcoming re-authorization of ESEA.  Michael is a sitting US Senator, serving on the Education Committee.   I know that many of us are getting approached my different candidates these days, all worthy of your support.  I am asking you to consider a candidate – and a candidacy – that I believe is truly unique for all of us.  We have an opportunity to elect – and send back to the Senate – an individual who has lived the life of a Superintendent, who understands our reality like on one else in the Congress, and who sits on the committee that matters.


If you have any questions or need to reach the campaign, please feel free to call Halle Mayes at 202-543-8555 or email her at





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