Thursday, August 05, 2010

UFT's wrong answer

A NY Post editorial rips the UFT:

The United Federation of Teachers took to its blog last week to crow that "the test-prep emperor [i.e., Bloomberg] has no clothes."

The problem is, even under the new, stricter standard, city schools come out looking much better than they did before the mayor took responsibility for them.

Back when the UFT pretty much ran things, that is.

…In terms of average test scores, New York City has surpassed much of the rest of the state since Bloomberg and Klein took over -- progress that maintains under the new system.

And on the highly trusted National Assessment of Educational Progress, city students have made big gains in most areas over the past decade, while the rest of the state has stayed flat.

Obviously, the new metrics bring a needed dose of realism to claims of progress -- no one ever really believed that 82 percent of city students know enough math to succeed in the information economy, as the old scores suggested.

…Fittingly, the city Department of Education reported last week that only 32 tenured teachers were fired last year -- out of a total teacher population of 78,000.

Any wonder that the teacher cartel is freaking out over honest testing?

New Yorkers shouldn't buy their bull.


UFT's wrong answer

Last Updated: 5:05 AM, August 2, 2010

Posted: August 02, 2010

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