Monday, August 09, 2010

Support Senator Bennet

Folks, if there's one race to support this election season, it's getting Michael Bennet re-elected to the Senate – and things look very tight as the Colorado primary election on Tuesday is a dead heat. 


As the former school superintendent of Denver, he's a genuine ed reformer, of which there are painfully few in the U.S. Senate.  He's also a pragmatic centrist, a seasoned businessman, honest as the day is long, and a great guy.  There are so few people like him in politics – if he loses in the primary on Tuesday to a mud-slinging, old guard Democrat, it will be a sad day for our country, especially for kids as it's critical to have a reformer like Sen. Bennet on the Senate Education Committee with the most important ed battle of the decade, the renewal of NCLB/ESEA, coming up soon.


You can support him at:  I just donated an additional $1,000.  Don't wait, as the election is in TWO DAYS.

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