Friday, January 21, 2011

John Stallcup with some good points

John Stallcup with some good points and a shocking comparison (attached) of our gold-standard NAEP test (specifically, 8th grade math) vs. Singapore's 6th grade math curriculum – yet another data point that we expect FAR too little from our youth:


Two key points. Asians believe in effort over ability we believe the opposite. When an Asian child doesn't do well in a subject it's because they haven't worked hard enough in America we believe if you don't get good grades your innately stupid.

Second, Asian parents and students accurately assess their current level of academic achievement.  Parents and students in the US significantly overestimate how well they are doing. The Lake Wobegon effect writ large. Must be in the water.

I attached the comparison of NAEP 8th grade advanced placement to Singapore's 6th grade math curriculum as an example of our tendency to ask too little of our students.

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