Thursday, March 03, 2011

Why the hesitance over keeping KIPP charter schools in Maryland?

A spot-on op ed in the Washington Post about KIPP Baltimore:

TEACHERS UNIONS are in the news, and not always in a flattering way. The stories can seem to vilify teachers unfairly, the unions say, and we agree. Most teachers work hard, sometimes to transformative effect. And yet when their unions insist on defending bad teachers or undermining schools that work, the teachers' reputations suffers.

Take the Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) charter schools in Baltimore. A year ago, the teachers union agreed to concessions allowing the extended day and school year central to KIPP's success, thus averting a threat to the schools' operation. That agreement is set to expire, and it's unclear whether KIPP will be able to win a new agreement. If it can't, the schools may have to close.



Why the hesitance over keeping KIPP charter schools in Maryland?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011; 8:21 PM

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