Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Response to Ravitch’s article

A couple of comments from friends in response to Ravitch's article:


As I read the op-ed on my iPad, I purposely didn't look to see who wrote it until the end. As it went on, I said to myself, "this sounds a lot like Diane Ravitch.". Of course, I eventually got to the end and found out that it was her. How many wrong-headed, tired arguments with insufficient data to support them do we have to see from Diane Ravitch before she's no longer accepted as a trusted source? This is so frustrating and the NYT has been surprisingly good in many ways on ed reform issues, but letting her print this crap pushes things back again. I'm completely appreciative every time you pick apart her baloney so please don't stop doing so. Her opinion, because it's given weight, is dangerous. Of course, she's the hero to many teachers so hopefully, we'll get some teachers to refute her statements publicly. This idea that we need to fix poverty first lets anyone not performing in high poverty schools to use that as the excuse.




Hi Whitney - we're working hard in Buffalo against major obstacles, and progress is being made. The parent voice is finally being heard, many thanks to the dynamic and quite brilliant young people running the day to day at Buffalo ReformED.  An amazing group.   


The kids Tapestry Charter School gets in 9th grade from the Buffalo Public Schools are at least 2-3 years behind in everything.  Those teachers work round the clock to get the kids up to speed and graduate.  The kids tell me that the bar has been hugely raised from their previous school setting, and that adults at Tapestry really care about them, help motivate them, and engage their families.  Same kids, different outcome.


I read Ravitch's OP/ED piece yesterday and thought, if you believe all of this, why would you bother to be involved in education in the first place?  Buffalo won't give up.


Please continue to send your emails as they are incredibly informative.


Amy Friedman

Founder, Tapestry Charter School

Board member, Buffalo ReformED

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