Sunday, February 12, 2012

Great quotes supporting reform in NJ

A collection of great quotes supporting reform in NJ, including one from DFER's Kathleen Nugent:


Kathleen Nugent, state director for Democrats for Education Reform, said it was promising that the NJEA was willing to talk about tenure reform, but disappointing it was only talking about the process. "If we really want to respect our teachers and support them and treat them as the super, most valuable assets they are, we need to evaluate them and reward them…based on their effectiveness," she said.  (Leslie Brody, "N.J. teachers union wants to move tenure cases out of courts," The Record, 12/7/2010)



Once Again, The NJEA Stands Alone

The NJEA's Detachment From Reality And Callous Disregard For Children Stuck In Failing Schools Once Again Leaves Them Isolated In The Education Reform Debate


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