Monday, March 08, 2010

A bunch of stuff following up on my last email on vouchers:




Thanks for bringing attention to the success of vouchers and tax-credit scholarships..  Your commentary has been great.  Kirtley et al are doing wonderful work in Florida.  Kevin Chavous and Virginia Walden Ford have demonstrated amazing leadership in DC. 


Pennsylvania is another program that is growing both in terms of participants (38,000+) and having more and more Dem support with each passing session.  Just last week Senator Anthony Williams (D-Philly), and a big EITC supporter, put his hat in the race for Governor.


Senator James Meeks (D-Chicago) is making waves in Illinois with his failing schools voucher proposal (somewhat similar to the Ed Choice voucher law in Ohio, but much more limited in scope).,021210kadner.article


Last month State Representative John DeBerry (D-Memphis) introduced a voucher pilot bill in the Tennessee General Assembly.  Here's DeBerry's bio:


Thanks again for drawing attention to some wonderful school choice advocates and their tremendous work in the states and DC.




 Paul DiPerna

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