Monday, March 08, 2010

The Philanthropy Roundtable has released a new report:

The Philanthropy Roundtable is delighted to announce the publication of Saving America's Urban Catholic Schools: A Guide for Donors, by Stephanie Saroki and Christopher Levenick.

The Roundtable is committed to helping donors achieve dramatic breakthroughs in the improvement of K-12 education. We back reform efforts for public district schools, public charter schools, and independent and religious private schools. When it comes to raising academic achievement among all American children, especially low-income and minority children, we are committed to whatever works. For that reason, the Roundtable commissioned this guidebook on donor-led efforts to revive the nation's urban Catholic schools.

Catholic schools have offered generations of Americans a superb education at minimal cost. These schools, renowned for their insistence on academic excellence and moral formation, have long been committed to helping every child achieve his or her God-given potential. Today, however, Catholic schools nationwide--and especially in the inner cities--face a series of escalating challenges which continue to threaten their future viability. Some labor under a financially unsustainable business model; others have allowed educational quality to decay. If these schools are to continue their mission of providing high-quality educational options for the families that need them most, urban Catholic schools will need strategic philanthropic support from donors of all faiths.

The Philanthropy Roundtable gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the William E. Simon Foundation for making this guidebook possible.

A PDF of Saving America's Urban Catholic Schools is available for free online; qualified donors may order complimentary print copies by calling 202.822.8333 or e-mailing

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